Crowd-Sourced L&D SWOT Analysis

To advance the Learning and Development (L&D) field, Smarter People Planning conducts the first-ever crowd-sourced L&D SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis. The purpose of the L&D SWOT analysis is to gain diverse insights into L&D functions and industry. A summary report is published bi-annually to enable more robust L&D planning, decision-making, and benchmarking.

We invite anyone in the L&D field to complete the brief survey.

L&D is defined as anyone responsible for any aspect of workforce development, talent management, an L&D vendor/partner, or an independent consultant.

Any information you share with us is strictly confidential and will only be used for aggregate analysis.

As a thank you for participating in the L&D SWOT survey, we email you a copy of a detailed final report that is not offered publicly.

Thanks for your continued passion and commitment to the L&D field.


Take the Survey & Get the Next Detailed Report  Download the Summary Report